Why the bison nearly became extinct?
Simply put: because no one owned them. And now, it is free markets that are saving them.
Time magazine:
"Sometimes you have to eat an animal to save it. That paradox may disturb vegetarians, but consider the bison: 500 years ago, perhaps 30 million of these enormous mammals inhabited North America. By the late 1800s, several forces - natural climate changes and Buffalo Bill-style mass killings among them - had slashed the bison population to something like 1000. And yet today North America is home to roughly 450 000 bison, a species recovery that has a lot to do with Amermicans having developed an appetite for them."
Time magazine:
"Sometimes you have to eat an animal to save it. That paradox may disturb vegetarians, but consider the bison: 500 years ago, perhaps 30 million of these enormous mammals inhabited North America. By the late 1800s, several forces - natural climate changes and Buffalo Bill-style mass killings among them - had slashed the bison population to something like 1000. And yet today North America is home to roughly 450 000 bison, a species recovery that has a lot to do with Amermicans having developed an appetite for them."
Totta puhuen biisonit säilyivät konservationistien toimesta ennen kuin niitä alettiin syödä. Se, että niitä on nykyään 450 000 ei ole suojelunäkökulmasta mitenkään välttämätöntä/mitoitettua vaan palvelee juurikin lihantuotannon etuja.
- Ilmari
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