Mikko Ellilä has been ordered to "burn" his politically incorrect blog post
(I'm writing this in English just so that occasional international visitors can find out what's going on. The subject is important.)
Despite what some NGOs say, freedom of speech is not doing well in Finland.
Yesterday a Finnish blogger, Mikko Ellilä, was convicted of what could be called, despite all the political and legal jargon, a thoughtcrime. What he did was tell several hardly disputable facts: that, on average, white people have a higher IQ than Africans (this difference may be due to nutrition, education and/or genetics but that's beside the point), that crime rates are exceptionally high for Africans (or their offshoots such as African-Americans) and that immigrants consume more of society's resources than what they contribute, i.e., that immigration is a net loss, at least in a welfare state such as ours.
Not only are these claims true (the prosecutor was not able to prove otherwise), proven as such by statistics and decades-long studies but they're also important and relevant to political discussion concerning the effects of immigration. But facts don't count - this case was from the beginning a political witch hunt orcehstrated in part by such men as Mika Illman (the prosecutor) and Mikko Puumalainen (former Minority Ombudsman).
(I have to admit that I was not at all surprised by the verdict. I have lost my faith in the Finnish justice system a long time ago. This country rewards heinous criminals by placing them in prisons that can hardly be distinguished from hotels and lets pedophiles run free. Here the law hardly ever recognizes self-defense as legitimate.)
The crime was that these facts may have insulted some people and that it was, according to the court, Ellilä's intention to insult. This, of course, is fucking ridiculous. Apparently, facts that may insult some people have been banned from now on. Following this logic, Galileo was rightfully punished for insulting a group of people (i.e., Christians) by telling them that the Earth orbits the Sun. Besides, not many years ago Ellilä was all for open immigration (but against welfare state handouts). What changed his mind was not some boiled up anger or some irrational need to insult but that it became clear that immigration (of African and Middle-Eastern Muslims) had become a major threat to Western values. The court's verdict proves that it has.
(Note that I don't agree with Mikko Ellilä in supporting collectivist/racialist policies such as mass deportation of immigrants, including law-abiding ones.)
-The trial (in English - here's the Finnish version)
-The verdict
-Puolueettoman median uutisoinnista
Despite what some NGOs say, freedom of speech is not doing well in Finland.
Yesterday a Finnish blogger, Mikko Ellilä, was convicted of what could be called, despite all the political and legal jargon, a thoughtcrime. What he did was tell several hardly disputable facts: that, on average, white people have a higher IQ than Africans (this difference may be due to nutrition, education and/or genetics but that's beside the point), that crime rates are exceptionally high for Africans (or their offshoots such as African-Americans) and that immigrants consume more of society's resources than what they contribute, i.e., that immigration is a net loss, at least in a welfare state such as ours.
Not only are these claims true (the prosecutor was not able to prove otherwise), proven as such by statistics and decades-long studies but they're also important and relevant to political discussion concerning the effects of immigration. But facts don't count - this case was from the beginning a political witch hunt orcehstrated in part by such men as Mika Illman (the prosecutor) and Mikko Puumalainen (former Minority Ombudsman).
(I have to admit that I was not at all surprised by the verdict. I have lost my faith in the Finnish justice system a long time ago. This country rewards heinous criminals by placing them in prisons that can hardly be distinguished from hotels and lets pedophiles run free. Here the law hardly ever recognizes self-defense as legitimate.)
The crime was that these facts may have insulted some people and that it was, according to the court, Ellilä's intention to insult. This, of course, is fucking ridiculous. Apparently, facts that may insult some people have been banned from now on. Following this logic, Galileo was rightfully punished for insulting a group of people (i.e., Christians) by telling them that the Earth orbits the Sun. Besides, not many years ago Ellilä was all for open immigration (but against welfare state handouts). What changed his mind was not some boiled up anger or some irrational need to insult but that it became clear that immigration (of African and Middle-Eastern Muslims) had become a major threat to Western values. The court's verdict proves that it has.
(Note that I don't agree with Mikko Ellilä in supporting collectivist/racialist policies such as mass deportation of immigrants, including law-abiding ones.)
-The trial (in English - here's the Finnish version)
-The verdict
-Puolueettoman median uutisoinnista
Labels: culture, english, finland, freedom of speech, welfare state